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Meet the Team

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Luke Knight

Co- Founder 


Luke has over 20 years experience in agriculture and has a unique affinity with animals. A qualified care manager and the coach for a youth team at Sidmouth Rugby club in his spare time. He has developed a huge passion for encouraging a range of individuals, to enjoy the farm and countrylife. His sense of humour is renound!!!

Emily Knight

Co-Founder, Business Development


Entering farm life when they acquired their first farm tenancy, Emily has not been afraid of the steep learning curve. Applying her business background to develop the family business, Emily shares her time between inside and out. From arranging new care/education plans to caring for individuals Emily is here to help.


Huw Morgan

Care Farm Support Worker


Huw worked as a science teacher for 20 years, specialising in children with SEMH issues (social, emotional, and mental health).  During that time, he was a DSL (designated safeguarding lead), Duke of Edinburgh manager and expedition assessor, outdoor activities organiser, head of department, risk assessment lead, HR lead, IT network manager, and a part of the senior leadership team. Quite the range!    

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Emma Worthington

Care Farm Support Worker (adhoc)


Our Team of support workers are all skilled in different aspects. That's what adds such value to our team.


Emma has extensive care experience and has the ability to support service users with animal care, horticulture. Emma is very acute to service users needs. Emma is highly trained to work with a variety social needs.

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Mike Shillingford

Care Farm Support Worker ( adhoc)


Mike is qualified in event first response and a qualified security engineer , and they are just to name a few of Mikes' long list of qualifications. He is great at teaching our service users how the machinery around the farm works and assists service users in any repairs needed!

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